
Showing posts from June, 2023

Fire prevention and use of fire extinguishers.

 Fire prevention and use of fire extinguishers. What is a fire extinguisher? The extinguisher is a device that contains an extinguishing agent (product whose action causes extinction) inside, which can be projected or directed on a fire by action of internal pressure, in order to put out the fire in its initial phase. It can be carried and operated by hand. Aim Identify the theories of fire. List the classification of fires. Use a portable fire extinguisher Definitions Fire:  Fire is a combustion reaction characterized by the release of heat accompanied by smoke, flames, or both. Fuel: Fuel is defined as any solid, liquid, or gas that can be burned. Solid Liquids Gases Combustion: Combustion is an oxidation reaction between a fuel and an oxidizer (AIR OXYGEN), initiated by a certain activation energy and with the release of heat (exothermic reaction). Slow combustion. Fast combustions. Heat:  It is the energy that manifests itself by increasing the temperature of bodies, dilating them

vocabulary and synonyms of safety engineers

vocabulary and synonyms of safety engineers. Risk: riesgo Safety: seguridad Peligro: danger Incidente: incident Accidente: accident Ensure: asegurar Employee: Empleador Worker: Trabajador Work boots: Botas de trabajo Apron: Delantal Rubber gloves: Guantes de goma Overalls: Overoles Gloves: Guantes Rubber apron: Delantal de goma Safety shoes: Zapatos de seguridad

Complementary activity

A ctivity 1 Complete the sentence: Earplugs protect my _____________ from loud noise. Safety glasses protect my ___________ from chemicals, dust and flying things. Ear muffs protect my ___________ from loud noise. Goggles protect my _________ from chemicals, dust and flying things. A face shield protects my __________ from flying things. A respirator protects my ____________ from fumes. Safety gloves protect my _________ from cuts. An apron protects my _________ fron chemicals or food. Safety shoes protect my __________ from heavy weight. A hair net keeps my ________ from going into the machine or into the food. A face mask keeps my ___________ from dust. A helmet protects my ____________ from falling things.

Let's learn about signs!

  What are the signs:  The signs are a security badge that provides information about the potential risks of a certain area; guidance and guides to evacuation routes or safety zones, and indicates the location of equipment provided or systems that allow controlling eventual emergencies Based on the message they convey, they can be classified as follows: Orientation signage: serves to guide individuals in a specific environment (for example: location maps) Information signage: service hours, Corporate signage: products, services, promotions, etc. Regulation signage: access restrictions, prohibitions Direction signage: it is the most frequent. Its main function is to indicate the path that must be followed. Summary: Category Color Advertisement Information/ Instruction Features Prohibition Red ●       Dangerous behavior ●       Stop ●       Shutdown ●       Emergency cut-out devices ●       Evacuate ●       Round shape ●       Black pictogram  on white background ●       Red edgi

Work and Travel Accident

 Work and Travel Accident Work accident: A work accident is any injury suffered by a worker because of or during work, and that causes disability or death. Therefore, the elements of the accident are an injury; the causal or occasional relationship between the work and the injury, and the disability or death of the injured party. Commuting accident:  These are accidents that occur on the direct route to or from the room and the workplace. When the accident occurs on the direct route between two places of work, it is considered that the accident is related to the work to which the worker was going. Minor: These are those accidents in which the life of the worker is not at risk. When the accident occurs on the direct path between two places of work, it is considered that the accident is related to the work to which the worker was going. Serious: Are those in which the life of the worker is at risk. Fatal: Corresponds to the accident that causes the death of the worker immediately or as

Let's learn about body parts, injuries and accidents with machinery.

Let's learn the parts of the body With the objective of: speaking, knowing and writing the parts of the body, which will help us both in daily life situations and also in our work, as future security engineers, where we can indicate in English the part of the body where the PPE will go or point out where we have any injury or wound. to For this reason, we make a summary with all the parts of the body, where they will be found in Spanish and English, in addition to having an image to identify the corresponding body part: L et's learn about injuries An injury is damage that occurs to the body. It is a general term that refers to the damage caused by accidents, falls, blows, burns, weapons and other causes. These injuries can be minor or severe and life-threatening. They can occur at work or play, indoors or outdoors, driving or walking down the street. Wounds are injuries that break the skin or other body tissues. They include cuts, scratches, and bites on the skin. They usually


  D.S. 594 BASIC SANITARY AND ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS IN WORKPLACES. Title I: General provisions. ARTICLE 1° Establishes the basic environmental and sanitary conditions. ARTICLE 2 ° They are supervised by the health and environment service. ARTICLE 3 °  The company is obliged to keep the workplace in optimal conditions. Title II: Basic sanitation of workplaces. PARAGRAPH I:  General Construction and Sanitary Conditions. ARTICLE 5 ° Resistant and non-slip floors. ARTICLE 6 ° The structural elements, good condition, cleanliness and conservation. ARTICLE 7 ° Safe and obstacle-free movement. ARTICLE 8 ° Wide corridors, in the machines the circulation space, should not be less than 150cm. ARTICLE 9 ° Bedrooms. Separated for men and women. Temperature. Beds. Bathrooms. Camp location. ARTICULO 10° Uncovered premises must be protected from inclement weather. ARTICLE 11° Condiciones de orden y limpieza. PARAGRAPH II: Provision of drinking water. ARTICLE 12 ° Every workplace must have drinking