Fire prevention and use of fire extinguishers.

 Fire prevention and use of fire extinguishers.

What is a fire extinguisher?

The extinguisher is a device that contains an extinguishing agent (product whose action causes extinction) inside, which can be projected or directed on a fire by action of internal pressure, in order to put out the fire in its initial phase. It can be carried and operated by hand.

  • Identify the theories of fire.
  • List the classification of fires.
  • Use a portable fire extinguisher


Fire: Fire is a combustion reaction characterized by the release of heat accompanied by smoke, flames, or both.

Fuel:Fuel is defined as any solid, liquid, or gas that can be burned.
  • Solid
  • Liquids
  • Gases
Combustion: Combustion is an oxidation reaction between a fuel and an oxidizer (AIR OXYGEN), initiated by a certain activation energy and with the release of heat (exothermic reaction).
  • Slow combustion.
  • Fast combustions.
Heat: It is the energy that manifests itself by increasing the temperature of bodies, dilating them and melting solids (metals) and evaporating liquids. Heat represents the amount of energy that one body transfers to another as a consequence of a temperature difference between them.

Fire Triangle:

For there to be complete combustion we need three components, these are OXYGEN, a HEAT SOURCE and a FUEL. Having these components together we are facing a COMPLETE COMBUSTION. If these components cannot be controlled, we are in the presence of a fire, which is basically an uncontrolled fire.

Fire tetrahedron:

For there to be a fire, all four factors (fire tetrahedron) are necessary. It is made up of three sides, it used to explain how fires originated. Each side is a factor: fuel, oxidizer, and heat or activation energy. If one of its sides disappears, combustion disappears.


  • FLAMELESS FIRE (INCANDECENCE): Combustion is produced at the superficial level of solid fuels without the presence of gases or vapors.
  • FIRE WITH FLAME: Combustion is produced by the generation of gases or vapors from solid and liquid fuels and the participation of gases when the fuel is in this state.

Anatomy of a fire extinguisher

Using Portable Extinguishers:

1) Alert all persons on board. 
2) Pull the pin with a twisting motion on the portable extinguisher. 
3) Aim low. 
4) Squeeze the extinguisher’s trigger. 
5) Sweep the base of the fire rapidly! The pin on portable fire extinguishers must be pulled out before the extinguishers will work. Aim the extinguisher at the base of the flame. Keep your face away from the top of the extinguisher, and release the contents by squeezing the two handles together or by.

Extinction techniques:

Cooling: This method reduces the temperature of combustible materials to safe levels, either with water or CO2.

Inhibition: this technique involves interfering the chemical reaction of the fire, using an extinguishing agent such as dry chemical powder.

Refrigeration: in this case the extinguishing agent absorbs heat from the combustion, as the heat energy decreases, the oxy-reduction process slows down and comes to a standstill. It would be the case as in the previous example of the ABC Polyvalent Powder or water extinguisher.

Elimination of the fuel: this method closes the power source of the fuel or energy that feeds the fire.

Certification label and process description.

Control label for maintenance and recharging of fire extinguishers.

Always present, in any type of fire extinguisher.

Pressure gauge:

They indicate the pressure of the extinguisher.

Fire extinguisher care:

  • Do not change the color of the extinguisher.
  • Hold upright in your clamp against the wall.
  • Consider your revision date and keep your labels.
  • Never throw fire extinguisher on fire.
  •   Do not hit, break, modify or damage the body of the extinguisher.
  • In the event of damage or use of the equipment (total or partial), send to an authorized technical service.


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