Let's learn about body parts, injuries and accidents with machinery.

Let's learn the parts of the body

With the objective of: speaking, knowing and writing the parts of the body, which will help us both in daily life situations and also in our work, as future security engineers, where we can indicate in English the part of the body where the PPE will go or point out where we have any injury or wound. to

For this reason, we make a summary with all the parts of the body, where they will be found in Spanish and English, in addition to having an image to identify the corresponding body part:

Let's learn about injuries

An injury is damage that occurs to the body. It is a general term that refers to the damage caused by accidents, falls, blows, burns, weapons and other causes. These injuries can be minor or severe and life-threatening. They can occur at work or play, indoors or outdoors, driving or walking down the street.

Wounds are injuries that break the skin or other body tissues. They include cuts, scratches, and bites on the skin. They usually occur as a result of an accident, but surgical incisions, sutures, and stitches also cause injuries. Minor wounds are usually not serious, but it is important to clean them well.

Serious, infected wounds need first aid medical attention and later doctor visits. You should seek medical attention if the wound is deep, cannot close on its own, cannot stop or clean the bleeding, or does not heal.

The following table presents the injuries, wounds and pains, where they will be written in English and Spanish and the corresponding image:

Accidents using machinery

Machinery and tools are an important part of many workplaces, as they increase efficiency and productivity. However, they can also be dangerous. This article analyzes the key points for the prevention of accidents with machinery

Most dangerous machinery

  • Machinery that uses blades, such as saws and grinders: Can cause lacerations or amputations.
  • Heavy machinery, such as forklifts and bulldozers: Can cause amputations, crush body parts, and cause falls.
  • Machines with moving parts, such as conveyor belts: Can cause bruising, electrocution, and amputation.

Most dangerous tools

  • Power tools: They can be very dangerous because they can easily cause injury if not used correctly.
  •   Saws: The most common injury caused by a saw is a laceration.
  • Drill: Bits can easily break and fly, which can cause serious injury. Additionally, drills can also create sparks that can easily start fires.

What are the key points to prevent accidents with machinery

Finally, since the most dangerous machine tools and the accidents they can cause are known, it is vital to know what can be done to improve the strategies for preventing accidents with machinery.

And it is that, there are some key points that must be taken into account when it comes to improving the prevention of accidents with machinery in factories. The most important are listed below:


Safety is always of the utmost importance. Therefore, employees must receive adequate training on the use of the machinery and must always follow the safety instructions provided.

Clean and organized areas

It is important to keep the work area clean and organized, and to ensure that all machinery is properly maintained.

Security politics

Lastly, if an accident occurs, employees need to know what to do to evacuate the area safely. And for this, companies must have safety and accident prevention policies with machinery.

These are the key points that a company can follow to prevent workplace accidents caused by machine tools. And as reviewed, one of the key points is training.

The following table presents accidents with machinery, where they are written in English and Spanish and the corresponding image:

Activities 1

In the following activity, the text must be matched with the corresponding image:

Activities 2

In the following activity, you must look at the image where the number appears and order them, where the wounds are, select the number that is represented in the images:

  • Stomachache_____ 
  • Broken bone/fracture__ 
  • Black eye____ 
  • Shivering____ 
  • Cut____ 
  • Backache_____ 
  • Temperature/fever_____ 
  • Broken ankle_____ 
  • Scraped knee____ 
  • Sore throat____ 
  • Bruise_____ 
  • Burn____ 
  • Cold____ 
  • Toothache____ 
  • High blood pressure____ 
  • Headache_____

Activities 3

Complete the sentences:


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