Work and Travel Accident

 Work and Travel Accident

Work accident: A work accident is any injury suffered by a worker because of or during work, and that causes disability or death. Therefore, the elements of the accident are an injury; the causal or occasional relationship between the work and the injury, and the disability or death of the injured party.

Commuting accident: These are accidents that occur on the direct route to or from the room and the workplace. When the accident occurs on the direct route between two places of work, it is considered that the accident is related to the work to which the worker was going.

Minor: These are those accidents in which the life of the worker is not at risk. When the accident occurs on the direct path between two places of work, it is considered that the accident is related to the work to which the worker was going.

Are those in which the life of the worker is at risk.

Fatal: Corresponds to the accident that causes the death of the worker immediately or as a direct consequence of the accident.


Read and identify if it is an accident at work or if it is a commuting accident.

1) A 33-year-old worker, was carrying out his merchandise replacement work, up a ladder to store the products on the shelves, he fell from a height of 1.30 meters, causing a concussion on his head. After investigations it is determined that the stairs were in poor condition since they had not carried out the corresponding maintenance.
Is it a work accident?


2) A 43-year-old worker was having lunch in the work cafeteria, when two hours after having lunch she began with stomach pain, nausea and vomiting. Then five workers began to feel those symptoms of food poisoning.
Is it a work accident?



3) A 25-year-old worker was leaving her house to go to work, along the way she found a sewer without her protection, she did not have danger signs around her, she fell to a depth of 1.20m, presenting a dislocation in the right arm and a fracture in the left ankle.
Is it a commuting accident?




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