All about personal protective equipment

PPE stands for Personal Protective Equipment.

PPE stands for Personal Protective Equipment
It is any element or device that is used individually for each worker, guaranteeing protection. In other words: avoid risks that threaten your health, integrity and safety.

This equipment includes a helmet, gloves, goggles and masks. Each one offers a type of protection and is intended for different activities. Designed to reduce employee exposure to chemical, biological, and physical hazards when in a workplace. It is used to protect employees when engineering and administrative controls are not feasible to reduce risks to acceptable levels.

Law 16,744 on Work Accidents and Occupational Diseases, in its Article No. 68 establishes that: "companies must provide their workers with the necessary protection equipment and implements, not being able to charge them in any case".


- Provide maximum comfort and its weight must be the minimum compatible with efficiency in protection.

- It must not restrict the movements of the worker.

- It must be durable and, if possible, maintenance must be done in the company.

- It must be built in accordance with construction regulations.

- Must have an attractive appearance.


1.Head Protection (skull).

2. Eye and Face Protection.

3. Ear Protection.

4.Protection of the respiratory tract.

5.Protection of Hands and Arms.

6. Protection of Feet and Legs.

7. Safety Belts for work at Height.

8. Work clothes.

9. Protective Clothing.


According to the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) hierarchy of controls, personal protective equipment is recommended as the last level of defense to prevent occupational injury, illness, and death, but some companies combine it with other control measures to ensure a safe and healthy environment for its workers. Here are some of the benefits of wearing protective gear:

  • Prevent unnecessary injuries in the workplace;
  • Protect employees from excessive exposure to chemicals;
  • Prevent the spread of germs and infectious diseases, including COVID-19;
  • Help companies meet regulatory requirements; and
  • Improve employee productivity and efficiency.


For personal protection elements to be effective, the following must be considered:
  • Delivery of the protector to each user.
  • The responsibility of the company is to provide the appropriate PPE; the worker's is to use them. The only PPE that works is the one that has been technically selected and that the worker uses throughout the exposure to risk.
  • Training regarding the risk that is being protected.
  • Responsibility of the line of supervision in the correct and permanent use of PPE.
  • The participation of supervisors in controlling the proper use and maintenance of PPE is essential. The supervisor must set the example by using them every time he is exposed to risk.

Personal protective equipment activity

 II) Complete the sentences with the corresponding personal protection elements (PPE)

helmet- safety gloves- safety glasses- clothing (outfit)- oxygen mask- safety shoes- earmuffs- disposable-reusable plugs- life rope- overalls

1) The ______________ protects the head from blows.

2) The ___________________ protect the hands from cuts, burns, skin poisoning, etc.

3) The __________________ protect the eyes from suspended particles.

4) The _____________________ protects the whole body from harmful or toxic substances or elements.

5) The ____________________ delivers oxygen to the lungs.

6) The ____________________ protect the feet and toes from blows.

7) ______________ protect the ear from external noise.

8) The _____________ and ______________ protect the ear from external noise.

9) The ________________ protects the worker from falls from a height.

10) The ______________ protects the body from splashes of substances.


  1. Me parece espectacular la informaciĆ³n entregada. me ahorre mucho tiempo al ver este blog.
    muchas gracias!!!!!!!!


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